Welcome to Brazil with ALEGRIA

Enrollment Form

Welcome to Instituto aprenda² São Paulo. This is your enrollment form for ALEGRIA course.

It is the document which makes you an official student at the school.

IMPORTANT: This form is an electronic document which does not need to be printed out. Simply fill it in and submit. This is one of the ways in which we have reduced the amount of paper we use, saving more trees and also the planet.

We do NOT sell your data. Period.
We do NOT share your data, unless compelled by the law.

Electronic Document

About the Language Levels

The ALEGRIA program is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which is an European standardization for languages such as English, French, Portuguese, etc… There are 6 levels:

Course Rules

We have established some rules so that you can fully benefit from the experience right from the start.


Student’s late arrival: The lesson begins and ends at the planned times so as not to disrupt the students who have arrived on time. However, the student can enter the classroom and join in the lesson for the remaining time.

Student absence: When a student is absent, the lesson will continue normally to ensure the progress of the rest of the group. The lesson will be counted and payment charged normally from the absent student.

1.3.1 When absent: As stated above, the student loses the lesson when absent. However, he or she can make up the lesson by taking an individual lesson. This lesson is counted separately and the price follows the rates of individual courses.

1.3.2 Public Holidays: There are no lessons on public holidays or on bridging days (days between a weekend and a public holiday, i.e. Mondays and Fridays when the public holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday respectively). Any lessons which would normally take place on these days will be rescheduled to a new date. The students will not pay any additional charge for these changes.

Abandonment of the course by the student: If a student abandons the course after he/she has committed to a group, the course value will not be refunded. The cost of the group course is divided between the total number of students, so the student commits to finishing the course with the others. If you need more flexibility, you can study with the ALEGRIA VIP individual lessons.

Our ALEGRIA program enables a student to apply for a Student Visa (VITEM IV), allowing him/her to stay in Brazil for up to one year. Students who obtain a Student Visa with us must respect the following obligations:

1.5.1 Abandoning: His/her stay in Brazil is justified by the act of studying. If the student abandons the course for any reason, the visa will be suspended.

1.5.2 Refusing to attend classes: Similar to the above case of 1.5.1 Abandoning, when the school calls the student to attend a certain group, no matter if the group happens in the morning or in the afternoon, the student is obligated to attend. Otherwise, the student may be considered to be abandoning the course and therefore the visa will be suspended.

1.5.3 Refusing to pay for the classes: When the student applies for the Student Visa, he/she is committing him/herself to pay for the entire course during the stay. Usually the payment is done in two parts: in the first part, at least 3 modules are paid upfront and in the second part, the remaining modules are to be paid as she/he goes. As such, if the student does not have the money to pay for the remaining modules, the visa will be suspended.

Sometimes, due to demand fluctuations, new groups are just one student short of being opened. If the wait is too long, the school may check with the students who are waiting to see whether or not they want to open a new group with one less student than normal. If so, the price per hour will be more expensive in order to compensate for the absence of this missing student. Since it’s more expensive, this kind of group is only opened when there is consensus among all the students.


2.1.1 Communication: The student must inform the teacher of any tardiness.

2.1.2 More than 30 minutes late: If the student is not present at the lesson and has neither informed the teacher of his/her tardiness nor cancelled the lesson, the teacher will leave after 30 minutes. The lesson will be counted and payment deducted.

2.1.3 Less than 30 minutes late: If the student arrives late, the lesson will be considered as having begun at the correct time. For example, if the student has a one-hour lesson from 15h00 to 16h00 and he/she arrives at 15h20, he/she will have a lesson for the remaining 40 minutes.

2.1.4 If the teacher is late: In the case of the teacher arriving late, the student should contact the school to organize making up the lost time.

2.2.1 Communication: The student should inform the teacher 24 hours in advance of any cancellation or change of lesson time. If the 24-hour notice period is not respected, the lesson will be counted and payment deducted.

2.2.2 Substitution: If a teacher cannot give a lesson, another teacher will give it. If it is not possible to find a replacement teacher, another date will be arranged in agreement with the student.

Any remaining credits of non scheduled classes will expire after one year from the date of the latest payment.

For ethical reasons, the student cannot bypass the school and directly hire the teacher. 


If you agree with our rules, please proceed with the filling up of the enrollment form and become our student.

Language Levels

    Student Info

    Please, inform 3 options for the VIP lessons. For example: Mondays and Thursdays from 10AM to 12PM.


    About the Payment

    We accept several methods of payment, some locally at our front desk, some remotely. We will inform you personally or by e-mail of the amount to pay according to your choices.

    Payments Instructions

    You can pay using CASH at the school reception. We just accept Brazilian Real (R$).


    Payments Instructions

    You can pay using a Brazilian CREDIT CARD over internet. We will send you an invoice. A CPF number is needed. If you don’t have a CPF, then use PayPal instead.


    Payments Instructions

    If you have a Brazilian bank account, payment can be made by (PIX) BANK TRANSFER at least 48 hours before the first lesson to the following account:

       PIX key, CNPJ type (Chave PIX CNPJ):
       Alternatively, you can use the bank details below:
       CNPJ 09.017.951/0001-48
       077 Banco Inter
       AG 0001 C/C 1672900-5

    Payment Instructions

    If you are not in Brazil, payment can be made by PAYPAL (+8.5% PayPal fee for international transactions).

    Please inform below your e-mail address linked to your PayPal account and we will send you a PayPal invoice:


    Payment Instructions

    If you are not in Brazil, payment can be made by SWIFT transfer (+10% Santander fee).
    We will send you an invoice containing our IBAN address and the amount to be paid.


    Payment Instructions

    If you are not in Brazil, payment can be made alternatively by BITCOIN, since its transaction fees are relatively low compared to PayPal and SWIFT options.
    We will send you an invoice containing our BITCOIN address and the amount to be paid.


    Payment Instructions

    If you are not in Brazil, payment can be made by WISE, since its transaction fees are relatively low compared to PayPal and SWIFT options.
    We will send you an e-mail containing the instrucions to make the payment as well as the amount to be paid.


    Fields marked with an * are required

    Congratulations! This is the end of the form.
    Click on the SUBMIT button and be officially welcomed to our school!


    – When you make payment, please send an e-mail to contact.spo@aprenda2.org with the payment receipt attached on it.
    – You will receive an e-mail in return confirming the payment transfer.
    – When the credits are almost finished (or negative) you will receive an e-mail advising you to top-up.
    – Please remind that lessons will be suspended in the absence of any credits.

    Want to know more about us?

    Who are we?

    aprenda² (meaning “accelerated learning”)  is a pilot project, bringing together a community of professors with the goal of developing avant-garde learning tools which can be applied to both public and private education. We are a social organization established since 2010. Part of the profits are reinvested into the growing of the project.
    We specifically aim to combat the problems which riddle Brazilian education by offering professors private and public establishments with free or low-cost materials and by training them in innovative teaching methods.
    At the moment, we are experimenting with new teaching methods during our private classes in order to test and develop our methodologies in practice with the professors and students themselves. The idea is that, once developed, these innovative teaching methods will be made available to other educational institutions. This project is funded by the services we offer society. Our services are centered around projects which incite communication between different peoples – keeping in mind that our most important source of revenue remains language courses and translations. In the near future, we plan to launch an investment project with social investors.

    For more details:


    L’éducation nous libère!
    Instituto aprenda²
    São Paulo

    Instituto aprenda²
    Rio de Janeiro