February 4, 2015
Written by Railane Louven. Translated by Sophie Foggin.
Have you realized that since our company was born we are always learning something new? Asking questions, studying and working; asking questions, studying and working, asking questions, studying and working… We have been constantly and involuntarily repeating these same actions, every day.
“Education liberates us”, the Greek Philospher Epiktetos once said.
Education is a fundamental human right: it offers personal, intellectual, professional and social development for every individual. A quality education allows social, economic and cultural evolution of the human race, thus guaranteeing a better quality life. However, unfortunately, the reality in which we currently live is that a large portion of the global population still does not have access to education.
When thinking about the importance of education and bearing its advance in mind, Instituto aprenda² was born (pronounced: ‘aprenda’ squared, or, ‘aprenda’ timesed by 2!)
Founded in 2010, Instituto aprenda² is a teaching institution focused on:
Projects that involve communication between people:
At Instituto aprenda², we have a commitment to education! With this in mind, we thought of creating the aprenda² Blog, the idea being to help our pupils, friends and also those who are looking to find out about the company.
To start off with, at the moment, our content will be aimed largely at a foreign audience, however, we intend to expand the Blog in the future.
Being foreign is not easy! Frequently, we chaperone some of our Portuguese pupils to get through situations that can be easy for natives, but difficult for foreigners, for example, how to apply for/ withdraw a CPF without being Brazilian. Our objective is increasingly to help and make the life of our pupils and foreigners easier, in general, while they are in Brazil.
Here in the aprenda² Blog, we are going to talk a bit about a range of different subjects, for example:
The aprenda² Blog is a work-in-progress, but it is being made with love and care by us at Instituto aprenda², therefore, we are counting on your help to keep improving! We are open to suggestions, compliments, criticism, comments, all types of participation and exchange of opinions!
Did you see our post and like it?
That’s great! We are really happy you visited and hope you do so again and read the next post.
You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on the Instituto aprenda² website!
That’s all for now… see you in the next post!
The ALEGRIA method was conceived from the marriage of our co-founder Audrey Conjat‘s experiences as a foreigner with the pedagogical expertise of our teaching staff. Talking about the teachers, they come from the main universities such as USP, UFRJ, UNICAMP, PUC…
Also, our test prep for the official CELPE-BRAS exam prepares you for this exam.
Contact us for more information:
Email: falecom@aprenda2.org
WhatsApp: +55 11 9 4939 0401
Sworn translations are made by people who are certified and accredited by the registry of commerce of each state. The applicants must pass highly demanding oral and written examinations for specific language pairs. They undergo background checks before receiving a registration number, which must be informed in the heading of every translation. If you need translate any of your official documents, please contact our translation services: www.aprenda2.org/translations
Tags: aprenda2, aprenda2.org, Blog aprenda², family, get to know us, language, Language School, Portuguese for Foreigners, Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo
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